Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


Giving instruction is an expression that is use in order that other people does what we instruct or request.

Example Expression
·         Open your book
·         Close the door, please
·         Move the chair, please
·         Turn on the air conditioner, please
·         Please pay on the cashier 

With Rules
1.   If we do not use a verb as commanding word, use be + adjective 
e.g. : Be beautiful
                   Be nicely
2.   When we forbid someone to do something, use
                   Do not + verb infinitive (without to)
                   Do not + be + adjective

                  e. g. : Do not disturb this animal
 Do not be naughty

Mr. Sartono : Attention please, there are some exercise from Mrs. Rita. Direction to answer it, please read the first chapter. Do not be noisy. Thank you.

Student       : Yes sir, you are welcome.

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